Las Vegas Office: 2460 Professional Court, Suite 110, Las Vegas, NV

Henderson Office: 2831 St. Rose Parkway, Suite 200, Henderson, NV

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(702) 798-4955

What are you doing to protect your rights as a beneficiary?

Knowing your rights as a beneficiary is important set forth below:

Trust Beneficiaries

  1. Are you entitled to a copy of the Trust?
  2. Can you request an account by the Trustee?
  3. How detailed must the account be?
  4. Who pays for the Account?
  5. How often can a demand for an Account be made?
  6. Is there a way to require the actions of a Trustee to be supervised by the Nevada Courts?
  7. When can the actions of a Trust Beneficiary constitute a challenge to the Trust and result in being excluded from the Trust?
  8. How are the fees for a Trustee determined?
  9. What happens if the person nominated as the Trustee is unable or unwilling to continue to serve?
  10. Can you challenge the actions of the Trustee?

The Trustee has hired an attorney to represent him or her and provide guidance in the performance of their duties.  However, the Attorney for the Trustee does NOT represent you and can’t provide you advice about your rights regarding the Trust. At Drizin Law you receive experienced counsel  who will answer your questions and ensure that your interests are being protected.

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