As an experienced trust attorney in Henderson, your trust documents will be set-up so they are able to fulfill your wishes and help your estate avoid the time and expense of probate. Avoiding probate means your assets won’t become a public record which can protect your heirs from predators who look for victims among those with recent inheritances. Trusts are also much more difficult to change by disappointed relatives. If you are the beneficiary of a trust that is being challenged, a trust litigation lawyer in Henderson stands ready to defend your rights against the challenge.
If you’ve relocated to Henderson, Nevada from another state, checking that your estate planning documents meet Nevada’s requirements is an important step in the estate planning process. If you’ve relocated from elsewhere in the state, having a local attorney who knows you and is familiar with your family dynamics and desires will help ensure your wishes are carried out. There’s a lot to do and see in Henderson. Before you become caught up in enjoying the sights and local attractions, make sure your estate is in order. The years’ fly by when you’re enjoying life.