Happy Presidents’ Day!
Enjoy your holiday with a few interesting facts…
Originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, it is still officially called “Washington’s Birthday” by the federal government. Traditionally celebrated on February 22—Washington’s actual day of birth—the holiday became popularly known as Presidents’ Day after it was moved as part of 1971’s Uniform Monday Holiday Act, an attempt to create more three-day weekends for the nation’s workers. While several states still have individual holidays honoring the birthdays of Washington, Abraham Lincoln and other figures, Presidents’ Day is now popularly viewed as a day to celebrate all U.S. presidents past and present.
Inspiring Quotes of former Presidents:
“Things do not happen. They are made to happen.” – John F. Kennedy
“If your actions inspire to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams
“Being a politician is a poor profession. Being a public servant is a noble one.” – Herbert Hoover
“We must dare to be great; and we must realize that greatness is the fruit of toil and sacrifice and high courage.” – Teddy Roosevelt
“Yours is not the task of making your way in the world, but the task of remaking the world which you will find before you.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt.