Law Blog
August 14th Free Real Estate CE
July 29, 2019
Please join us for a free 1 Hour Real Estate CE - Avoiding Breaches of Fiduciary Duties While Representing Seniors...
Three Important Facts to Know about Nevada Guardianships
July 20, 2019
A legal guardian is a person appointed by the court and has been given the authority to make medical and financial decisions...
Best of Las Vegas: Drizin Law Nominated in Four Categories
July 17, 2019
Drizin Law is pleased to announce that we are currently nominated for a Best of Las Vegas award in four categories!
Best Elder Law
New 1 Hour RE Course on Representing Seniors - July 19
July 10, 2019
Our new course Avoiding Breaches of Fiduciary Duties while Representing Seniors has just been approved by the Real Estate Division. Please join…
Understanding the Differences between POLSTs and Health Care Powers of Attorney
July 10, 2019
An essential part of every estate plan is the Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Decisions (the “DPOA”). A DPOA authorizes your designee…
Timeshares and Probate
July 10, 2019
Probate is a legal process by which title to property is formally transferred at death. A primary probate proceeding is opened in the state where…
The passing of Aretha Franklin (the “Queen of Soul”)
July 10, 2019
The passing of Aretha Franklin (the “Queen of Soul”) serves as another unfortunate example of the damaging effects of not creating a clear and detailed will...
Overview of Transferring a Vehicle's Title to the Beneficiary after the Probate Process
June 27, 2019
Transferring a vehicle’s title in Nevada after probate is completed is a relatively simple process if you have all the important documents…
Understanding Language Access Rights
June 20, 2019
Over five million older adults across the country are Limited English Proficient (“LEP”). LEP older adults do not speak English as their primary language or they have a limited ability to speak, read, write, or understand English. Federal law prohibits discrimination based on national origin, including discrimination on the basis of language.
Size Matters (sometimes)
June 10, 2019
One of the most common questions we receive is whether someone has a large enough estate to warrant creating a revocable living trust. A will…
Wire Fraud in Real Estate Transactions is on the Rise
June 10, 2019
A glimpse of something new on the horizon can be seen in Bain v. Platinum Realty, LLC, No. 16-2326-JWL, 2018, WL 3105376 (D. Kan. June 25, 2018),…
New 1 Hour CE Regarding Seniors Coming Soon!
June 6, 2019
If you are a broker and would like to offer this class as a lunch and learn for your office, please call Drizin Law (702) 798-4955. We prefer an office with minimum seating of 30 agents. We look forward to working with you.
Friday June 7th, Free 3 Hour CE in Pahrump
June 5, 2019
Please join us for an informative 3 Hour CE, What Every Licensee Should Know about Sales in Probate and Guardianship taught by Attorney Lee Drizin in Pahrump.
Free 1 Hour CE - June 25, 2019
May 30, 2019
Please join us for a Free 1 hour Lunch and Learn to be held Tuesday June 25, 2019 taught by Attorney Lee Drizin. To RSVP call (702) 732-7282.
7 Things To Know About Nevada Custody Law
May 20, 2019
The Nevada legislature recently updated the child custody laws to favor joint custody between separating parents. However, there may be reasons to award one parent more custodial time over the other.
Disclosure Form SOL Doesn’t Bar Claims Against Agents
May 10, 2019
The Buyers acquired a home in Glen Ellyn, Illinois after having received a Seller’s Real Property Disclosure Form (“SRPD”) which indicated that the Sellers were not “aware of material defects in the walls or floors.” On or about October 22, 2012, a few months after the Buyers moved in, a painting contractor hired to paint the kitchen noticed an area of damaged gypsum wallboard on the western wall.
More Problems with DIY Wills
May 10, 2019
Do it yourself (“DIY”) Wills are inexpensive and convenient and there are lots of options on the internet for these services. Sounds great but they are also ripe with pitfalls.
Dangers of Buying a House While Separated
April 20, 2019
So, you’ve been separated from your spouse for a while and you’re not ready to take the step to divorce. However, you are ready to buy…