Dam it! Here we go again…
When Jerry and Georgia McGonigle bought the home in 2008, they also were not told the home’s previous owner had received complaints about the condition of the dam, which at the time was part of Hutchinson’s flood control program. After they discovered their liability, bids to repair the dam were received for $850,000. The $202,500 awarded to the couple is for removal of trees that weaken the dam. The McGonigles settled a lawsuit against the home’s previous owner for an undisclosed sum.
There was no dispute that the McGonigles weren’t told before they bought the house about a document at Hutchinson City Hall and at the Reno County Courthouse that made them responsible for maintaining the dam on the property in northeast Hutchinson. The previous owner said he told his real estate agent about the agreement. That agent testified that she told the McGonigle’s real estate agent about the agreement but that agent said she didn’t recall the disclosure. The dam agreement was not disclosed in the Seller’s Real Property Disclosure. Instead, the agent testified that she thought it would be disclosed in the Title Report – and it wasn’t.
PRACTICE POINTER: Agents continue to be plagued by disclosure issues. One simple rule to follow is DON’T ASSUME ANYTHING. If you become aware of a problem make sure it is disclosed and DOCUMENT your advice/recommendations. Don’t rely upon title companies, home inspectors, other agents, etc. Be proactive in your own defense by taking affirmative action to ensure buyers make well-informed decisions.
Drizin Law is providing this information for educational purposes only. It should not be construed as legal advice or a legal opinion as to any specific facts or circumstances. This information is based on general principles of Nevada law at the time it was created and you should be aware laws frequently change. Moreover, the laws affecting you may differ depending on the circumstances. You should consult with a qualified attorney in your own state or jurisdiction concerning your particular situation. Review of this information does not create an attorney-client relationship.