The Importance of Naming Alternate Beneficiaries in Your Estate Plan
November 14, 2024
A “will” or “trust” is an essential part of your estate plan. However, without the guidance of an experienced estate planning attorney,…

Cameras Permitted in Skilled Nursing Care Facilities
August 6, 2024
Arranging for the transfer of a loved one into a nursing facility can be an overwhelming task. The anxiety, in part, is due to the fact that…

The Most Common Mistake in Estate Plans
May 9, 2024
A comprehensive estate plan is designed to address issues regarding the disposition of your assets upon your death; however, it will also relate…

Green Alternatives to Cremation
January 23, 2024
On May 30, 2023, Governor Lombardo approved AB 289 offering another alternative to traditional cremation. The new law broadens the state’s…

New Alzheimer’s Drug Approved by FDA
October 20, 2023
Having an effective estate plan, or updating an existing plan, must be completed while you have the requisite capacity or the changes could be…

Is Your Trust Protected By Superman?
August 18, 2023
You may not need a superhero to watch over your trust but you should be aware of the next best thing - the Trust Protector.
The revocable living…

Updating Your Estate Plan After Divorce: Why It's Essential
April 13, 2023
Jon Peters is a movie producer associated with many well-known projects including A Star Is Born, Batman, Man of Steel, The Color Purple, and…

Do I Really Need a Will?
August 3, 2022
That’s the word used to describe the Socratic method of answering a question with a question. The short answer to the question…

Even Married Spouses Need a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Decisions
April 22, 2022
Imagine a situation where your spouse suddenly becomes extremely ill, is rushed to the hospital, and becomes incapacitated. The spouse is admitted…

What's the difference between a Will and a Living Will?
March 22, 2022
Although these documents sound the same, they serve completely different functions and are both important and necessary parts of your estate…

The Risks of Over Medicating Seniors with Alzheimer’s Disease
January 6, 2022
There are numerous medicines prescribed to persons suffering with Alzheimer’s disease. While none of these are a cure, they can help slow down…

Important Changes to Power of Attorney Nevada Laws
December 10, 2021
In 2019 the Nevada Legislature enacted several bills having a significant impact regarding the laws pertaining to durable powers of attorney…

Dementia No Longer a Barrier to the Execution of DPOAs
November 12, 2021
A Durable Power of Attorney (“DPOA”) for Health Care Decisions is a crucial part of every estate plan. Recent changes in the law have made…

The Impact of Loneliness on Seniors
September 15, 2021
Loneliness occurs in people of all ages but maybe a particular problem in the elderly. A study conducted by scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School…

7 Reasons Why its Time to Review Your Estate Plan
August 18, 2021
All too often, clients who have executed estate plans don’t recognize the importance of reviewing their documents from time to time. Unfortunately,…

Difference Between Will & Revocable Living Trust
June 15, 2021
Lee Drizin: Hi everyone. This is Attorney Lee Drizin, and today I'd like to talk about the difference between…

Storage of Your Estate Planning Documents
June 15, 2021
Lee Drizin: Hi everyone. This is Attorney Lee Drizin, and today I want to talk about where is the best…

Social Isolation of a Loved One
March 30, 2021
Your elderly mother executed a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Decisions and nominated you to serve as her healthcare agent. Years…