license renewal disclosures

License Renewal Disclosures

A licensee or property manager is required to notify the Nevada Real Estate Division (the “Division”) in writing if he or she is convicted…
Agent Safety

Don't put Agent Safety on the Back Burner

Real estate agents can be easy targets for criminals. Taking the “it could never happen to me” approach is an invitation to disaster and…
listing contract

Automatic Termination of Your Listing Contract

The Massachusetts Court of Appeals has held that when a person lists their property for sale with a real estate agent and then dies before…
Improper Conduct

70% of Sellers Admit They're Willing to Engage in Improper Conduct

Cinch Home Services has more than 40 years in the home warranty industry.  Several years ago they published a survey of 494 home buyers and…
Fair housing act

Have You Unknowingly Violated the Fair Housing Laws?

As a real estate agent, you are required to abide by the federal and state laws which prohibit discrimination in all of your real estate activities.…
Representing an Elderly Client

Representing an Elderly Client

Do you understand your duties when representing an elderly client? It is critical for you to be aware of the potential liability that the client…
probate assets

What You Should Know About the Latest Changes to Deeds Upon Death

The Deed Upon Death (also known as a “Transfer on Death Deed”) is a method of transferring real estate to your loved ones upon your passing…
Hate speech update

Hate Speech Update

In our February 17, 2022 blog article entitled “Hate Speech is an ethical violation even when not related to real estate activities” we discussed…
Hate Speech is an Ethical Violation

Hate Speech is an ethical violation even when not related to “real estate activities”

Standard of Practice 10-5 provides “REALTORS® must not use harassing speech, hate speech, epithets, or slurs…” The Standard of Practice…
Avoid Probate Surprises

Avoid Probate Surprises

I was recently contacted by someone whose mother had just passed away. Her mother lived in Las Vegas and owned two interests in real estate located…
Selling a house in probate
Probate Sale Basics

Probate Sale: Basic Things You Need To Know

When a homeowner has passed away (the “Decedent”) and his or her home is owned solely in the name of the Decedent, a probate proceeding will…
Estate planning for business owners

Estate Planning Guide for Business Owners

Why is Estate Planning Important? Owning and running a business is not easy. Almost all business owners get caught up in the quest for growth,…
Covid-19 Causing You Problems Getting a Home Loan?

Covid-19 Causing You Problems Getting a Home Loan? Help May Be On the Way

During the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a tightening of lending standards making it more difficult to get a home loan. However, help may…
Commercial Real Estate and Covid-19

An Approach for Commercial Landlords

As Covid-19 wrecks havoc upon our personal and business lives, commercial landlords and tenants have options available to them where tenants have...
Whats Up or Down with Real Estate Prices

What's Up (or Down) with Real Estate Prices?

The Covid 19 pandemic has transformed the housing market from its spring season typical peak into a deep valley. Buyers, fearful of venturing…
A Picture Says a Thousand Words and May Cost You.

A Picture Says a Thousand Words... and May Cost You.

According to a NAR Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, eighty seven percent (87%) of persons who searched for a home on the internet found photographs…
Open Houses Prohibited and Mitigation Precautions Required

Open Houses Prohibited and Mitigation Precautions Required

On April 8, 2020, Governor Sisolak signed Declaration of Emergency Direct 013 which indicates that it shall not be construed to limit the sales…