Cremation, Organ Donation, Funeral Arrangements and Your Estate Plan
July 20, 2020
Few decisions could be more personal than the disposition of your remains upon your passing. Nevertheless, many estate plans fail to address…
Living Trusts v. Wills
June 3, 2020
There are several differences between a living trust and a will. The following infographic explains just a few of those differences. To view…
What if the Executor Doesn't Probate the Will?
May 14, 2020
What Does Probate for a Will Mean?
Have you wondered “what is a will and probate”? The word “probate” originated from the Latin word…
The Need to Review and Revise Your Estate Plan – Part 2
April 6, 2020
Learn about important changes in the law that warrant everyone to consider revising their estate plan.
Lee Drizin: Hi,…
The Need to Review and Revise Your Estate Plan – Part 1
April 6, 2020
Learn about the dangers of oral promises; problems resulting from "do it yourself "changes, and the most important reasons to review and revise…
Supermarkets Offer Special “Senior Hours”
March 25, 2020
Coronavirus fears have resulted in people all over the world rushing to stack up on hand sanitizer, toilet paper and other products and to clear…
5 Important Things You Should Know About Being a Beneficiary.
March 3, 2020
A “beneficiary” is a person that is identified in a Will or Trust to receive a distribution of all or a part of the Estate. An “heir” is a person identified...
The most important clause in estate planning
February 5, 2020
The two most common devices for distributing your assets upon death are a will and trust. Both documents should contain language that provide…
Can a Will Be Contested After Probate?
January 28, 2020
When you learn that you were left out of a will, or that your inheritance is a smaller portion of the estate than...
Celebrating Martin Luther King Day
January 13, 2020
On Monday, January 20, 2020, we celebrate the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
Don't forget the Annual Parade. The March will be held on…
Drizin Law adds 2nd Office Location in Henderson
January 13, 2020
Drizin Law is expanding. To better serve our clients, we are pleased to announce that Drizin Law has opened a second location in Henderson, NV.…
Why Estate Planning Shouldn’t Be a DIY Project
November 11, 2019
These days, social media can help you figure out just about any do it yourself (DIY) project. Do you want to fix a leaky faucet...
Don't Let Estate Planning Scare You!
October 29, 2019
Not having an estate plan can be spooky!
When it comes to creating an estate plan or reviewing a currently existing plan, most people procrastinate.…
Compensation for Personal Representatives
October 10, 2019
The Last Will and Testament of a decedent will generally nominate someone to serve as the personal representative. The personal representative…
What are Letters of Testamentary?
September 10, 2019
When someone who wrote a will dies, the person named as the Executor of the Estate in the Will must file with the court to obtain Letters Testamentary…
Happy Labor Day! - 2019
August 30, 2019
From all of us at Drizin Law, we wish you a happy and safe memorial day.
Common Estate Planning Mistakes You Need to Avoid
August 19, 2019
Taking care of your estate plan feels morbid to some people. As a result, many people die without taking the steps they would have taken to ensure…
Never Work Without a Net: The Importance of a Pour Over Will
August 9, 2019
The revocable living trust is a method of planning for the distribution of your estate upon your passing. The Trust enables your assets to be…