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Agent Safety

Don’t put Agent Safety on the Back Burner

Real estate agents can be easy targets for criminals. Taking the “it could never happen to me” approach is an invitation to disaster and agents need to be proactive in learning about safety issues.  According to the NAR Member Safety Report, 14% of the REALTORS® surveyed indicated they had been in a situation that made […]

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Common Mistake in Estate Plans

Cameras Permitted in Skilled Nursing Care Facilities

Arranging for the transfer of a loved one into a nursing facility can be an overwhelming task.  The anxiety, in part, is due to the fact that you are leaving him or her in the hands of someone else for their care.  Previously, you were prevented from using a web cam to monitor the care […]

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listing contract

Automatic Termination of Your Listing Contract

The Massachusetts Court of Appeals has held that when a person lists their property for sale with a real estate agent and then dies before it is sold, the Decedent isn’t the only thing that expires.  In Newton Centre Realty, Inc. v. David R. Jaffe,   Shirley Jaffee had entered into three separate Exclusive Right to […]

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Common Mistake in Estate Plans

The Most Common Mistake in Estate Plans

A comprehensive estate plan is designed to address issues regarding the disposition of your assets upon your death; however, it will also relate to important issues that may arise during your lifetime. A Durable Power of Attorney is an essential part of any plan.  The healthcare power of attorney enables you to appoint someone to […]

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Sitting on the Dock of the Bay Doesn’t Work

Why Sitting on the Dock of the Bay Doesn’t Work

“Dock of the Bay” was based on an inspiration the great Otis Redding came up with during the time he spent sitting and watching the ocean in California.  The lyrics have been described as an attempt to find beauty in life despite the despair you may have encountered.  Understandably, dealing with the death of a […]

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Improper Conduct

70% of Sellers Admit They’re Willing to Engage in Improper Conduct

Cinch Home Services has more than 40 years in the home warranty industry.  Several years ago they published a survey of 494 home buyers and 476 sellers which had been  conducted over the course of the prior year. Seventy percent of the sellers surveyed indicated they’d be willing to withhold information, take advantage of buyers, […]

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Probate Attorney

4 Ways Your Probate Attorney
Can Help You Deal with Stress

As an experienced probate attorney, I have seen my fair share of family disagreements. Probate is the process of addressing financial affairs after the death of a loved one. The Personal Representative is the person appointed by the Court to manage the affairs of the probate administration. Unfortunately, this position doesn’t come with an instruction […]

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Green Alternatives to Cremation

Green Alternatives to Cremation

On May 30, 2023, Governor Lombardo approved AB 289 offering another alternative to traditional cremation. The new law broadens the state’s rules on cremation to include the accelerated conversion of human remains to the soil through the natural reduction of human remains, also known as “natural organic reduction” or “human composting.” The Process.  Human composting […]

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probate attorney

Handling Grief is an Important part of the Probate Process

Losing a loved one is never easy. There are theories about grief and how to handle it. Over my 30 years as a probate attorney, I have seen many families grieving over the loss of a loved one and its devastating impact.  For some people, it takes longer to come to terms with the loss.  […]

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New Alzheimer's Drug Approved by FDA

New Alzheimer’s Drug Approved by FDA

Having an effective estate plan, or updating an existing plan, must be completed while you have the requisite capacity or the changes could be challenged. However, the appointment of a guardian may become necessary if there is no estate plan and your loved one is incapacitated and no longer able to manage his or her […]

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Fair housing act

Have You Unknowingly Violated the Fair Housing Laws?

As a real estate agent, you are required to abide by the federal and state laws which prohibit discrimination in all of your real estate activities. You should know what the fair housing laws cover and how they affect your services. Unfortunately, unintentionally violating the fair housing laws is not a defense. You may be […]

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Trust protector

Is Your Trust Protected By Superman?

You may not need a superhero to watch over your trust but you should be aware of the next best thing – the Trust Protector. The revocable living trust (a “RLT”) is an excellent estate planning tool used to avoid the costs and delays of probate.  The person who creates the RLT is called the […]

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10-million question

Updating Your Estate Plan After Divorce: Why It’s Essential

Jon Peters is a movie producer associated with many well-known projects including A Star Is Born, Batman, Man of Steel, The Color Purple, and Clue. In 2020 he married Pamela Anderson but their relationship lasted only 10 days. Even though the couple is no longer together, Peters recently revealed that he left $10 million to […]

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Representing an Elderly Client

Representing an Elderly Client

Do you understand your duties when representing an elderly client? It is critical for you to be aware of the potential liability that the client may not have the capacity to understand their actions. Potential Liability. In Van Heyde v. Miller, 799 S.E. 2nd 133 (W.Va. 2017), a real estate agent was sued on the […]

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probate assets

What You Should Know About the Latest Changes to Deeds Upon Death

The Deed Upon Death (also known as a “Transfer on Death Deed”) is a method of transferring real estate to your loved ones upon your passing without having to go through probate. If the property owner executed a Deed Upon Death, the family member contacting you about selling the property may not be the designated […]

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